The Calcium Advantage
How important is calcium to us? It' s very important. Here's why. It builds strong bones and teeth; helps the heart to beat, muscles to flex, blood to clot, and nerves to send messages throughout ...
How important is calcium to us? It' s very important. Here's why. It builds strong bones and teeth; helps the heart to beat, muscles to flex, blood to clot, and nerves to send messages throughout ...
Some prescribed drugs and dental surgery may not be a good mix. You might not think that what your MD prescribes—and what your dentist does for your mouth's well-being—are closely related. But both are significant. ...
Are you one of the millions of Americans who spends most of their working and free time indoors? If so, you may be missing out on the important benefits of sunshine, which not only lifts ...
Reducing the Risk for Osteoporosis Osteoporosis (or porous bones) is a fragile, frightening reality for at least 15 million North Americans. What begins as a slight and initially painless decrease in bone mass eventually leaves ...